API Documentations

This API use sample way to use our services for make url short .

API PATH = “https://api.rlnk.us/api/api.php”

Build you first request :

Example for add short by 3 ways

1-                 POST:

Request =[]

Request[“ver” ]= “1”

Request [“key” ]= “abcdef0123456789”

Request [“action” ]= “add”

Request[“url” ]= “https://www.cnn.com/

HTTP POST - > Request -> https://api.rlnk.us/api/api.php

2-        GET:

  https://api.rlnk.us/api/api.php?ver=1&action=add&key= abcdef0123456789&url=https://www.cnn.com/

3-        JSON

Build your json statements

Request = {"ver":"1","action":"add","key":" abcdef0123456789","url":"http://www.cnn.com/"}

HTTP POST - > Request -> https://api.rlnk.us/api/api.php

Request parameters:

1-       Require parameters:

ver              : version of API to use.

action : functions type for request.

        add :  add new short .

                 Require: (url), Optional(etc)

        update : update short already  added.

                 Require: (slnk), Optional(etc)

        get : retrieve data for short link.

                 Require: (slnk), Optional(etc)

        active : enable or disable short link.

                 Require: (slnk), Optional(etc)

        renew : update short link if it expire.

                 Require: (slnk), Optional(etc)

key              : you APIKEY to authorizes  to API, can get key from user setting after sign up

2-       Options  parameters:


description : long url need to make short url .

type : string.

Length : 2048

Require by : action(add)


description : short link generated by short  function.

type : string.

Length : 11

Require by : action(update,get,active,renew)


description : number of days short link will still live from create date.

type : string number.

Length : 4

Default : 3650

Optional by : action(add,update)

     title :

description : title of long url default from long url.

type : string UTF8.

Length : 128

Default : “” , if it is default will get default data from long url.

Optional by : action(add,update)

     clicks :

description : limit of number of clicks can short link open.

type : string number.

Length : 7

Default : 0 , if it is default will get default data from long url.

Optional by : action(add,update)

     urlpin :

description : pin code can protect short link open.

type : string number.

Length : 6

Default : 0 , if it is default will disable pin url .

Optional by : action(add,update)


description : enable or disable short link.

type : string.

Length : 5

Default : true, can be also (true,1) for enable/ (false,0) for disable .

Optional by : action(add,update)


description : add or remove short link to favorite .

type : string.

Length : 5

Default : true, can be also (true,1) for add/(false,0) for remove .

Optional by : action(add,update)


description : request qrcode png img base64 in response  .

type : string.

Length : 5

Default : true, can be also (true,1)  to get data/ (false,0) remove data from response .

Optional by : action(add,get)


description : country can open short link  .

type : string, json array.

Length : 64

Default : [“0”], to allow all country or can select only country you allow [“US”,”RU”,”TR”]

Optional by : action(add,update)


description : device can open short link  .

type : string, json array.

Length : 64

Default : [“0”], to allow all type of device



'2'='Mobile Phone'


'4'='TV Device'

Optional by : action(add,update)


Response items:

The respone will be json format


description : response version for your request .

type : string.

Length : 3

Note :


description : response status have (“fail”,” success”) .

type : string.

Length : 7

Note : another item response will has note for status


description : description of response status  .

type : string.

Length : 128

Note :


description : reference code for you short link  .

type : string.

Length : 11

Note : this refrance will be use for (update,get,active,renew) as “slnk”


description : full path of your short link  .

type : string.

Length : 25

Note :


description : expire date for your short link  .

type : string.

Length : 20

Note : expire date is GMT date time


description : title of your long link or tag already you request  .

type : string.

Length : 128

Note : UTF8


description : long url as your request .

type : string.

Length : 2048

Note :


description : png data base46 for short link .

type : string.

Length : 4096

Note : can cancel this if you request have qrcode=false



PHP example



$Request["ver"]= "1";

$Request ["key"]= "abcdef0123456789";

$Request ["action"]= "add";

$Request["url"]= "https://www.cnn.com/";

$curl_init = curl_init($apipath);

curl_setopt($curl_init, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,5);

curl_setopt($curl_init, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($curl_init, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $Request); // normal POST

//curl_setopt($curl_init, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($Request)); //JSON POST

$response = curl_exec($curl_init);


echo $response ;


CURL Command Line Example

curl -d "ver=1&key=abcdef0123456789&action=add&url=https://www.cnn.com/" https://api.rlnk.us/api/api.php


curl "https://rlnk.us/api/api.php?ver=1&key=abcdef0123456789&action=add&url=https://www.cnn.com/"


JAVA Example

Pure javascript

var url = "https://api.rlnk.us/api/api.php";

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

xhr.open("POST", url);

xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");

xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {

if (xhr.readyState === 4) {



var data = `{


  "key": " abcdef0123456789",

  "action": "add",

  "url": "https://www.cnn.com/"




AJAX javascript


  type: "POST",

  url: "https://api.rlnk.us/api/api.php",

  data: `{


      "key": "abcdef0123456789",

      "action": "add",

      "url": "https://www.cnn.com/"


  success: function () {

    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {




  dataType: "json"



Response  for all Example:


"ver": "1",

"status": "success",

"message": "Your link was added before and still active.",

"ref": "fwPqmi",

"slnk": "https://rlnk.us/fwPqmi",

"expire": "2022-02-14 02:49:20",

"url": "https://www.cnn.com/",

"title": "www.cnn.com",





